- 2001: Restart was founded by Flavio and Rossano
- 2005: 80smq headquarter with 5 employees
- 2007: 200smq headquarter with 10 employees
- 2010: 1000smq headquarter with 20 employees
- 2011: Masmec spa enters in the Board of Directors (20%)
- 2014: Mecstart was founded by Flavio, Rossano, and Giacomo
- 2018: New headquarter (9000sqm)
- 2019: 30 employees
- Tomorrow: renovation of the last portion of the building
The meeting
Restart was born on Tuesday, September 18th, 2001 in Livorno.
A few years before Rossano and Flavio met in Motofides, a leading manufacturer of car components and part of the FIAT group. Motofides was a popular destination for who was looking for a valuable and reliable job: working in this big company allowed developing a technical preparation and precious know-how.
It was the 1980s and 1990s when large component companies invested heavily in training to keep up with evolving machinery and processing methods.
The production could not contemplate machine stops, and Rossano and Flavio were part of a small group of external maintainers who had the task of intervening promptly when the machinery had a problem. They were external to the factory, but very present on the job and always in close contact with the employees.
From technicians to entrepreneurs
Enthusiasts of the three years spent together with the Motofides, Rossano and Flavio have overcome together technical difficulties that seemed insurmountable. All the sacrifices were repaid by the satisfaction resulting from professional growth, so they became an important reference point for Motofides and its employees who found in them competent and capable people.
The idea of being entrepreneurs and of being able to demonstrate that they could be appealing on the market (and not only for Motofides), became ever more pressing.
The growth
On September 18th of 2001, ITL 10 million was put into a fund to equip the first headquarter and start the new business. In the following years, work grows and they start thinking about a different enterprise reality. The goal becomes to provide the customer with the assembly line, in all its parts. Design, construction, installation of custom machines, and the research of new technological solutions. The business goes well and with the new hiring becomes indispensable a new headquarter for the new requirements.
In 2005 Restart has a structure of 80 sqm and the realization of the first equipment designed and built internally is possible. Restart achieves a staff of 5 units, and the management skills grow with the demand.
In 2007 Restart buys a 200 sqm warehouse with offices and workshop for design and assembly. The 10 operating people are programmers, electronic and mechanical engineers. Restart becomes a new strong reality in the automation field, and it starts to be known also outside the area.
In 2010 there are the conditions for the expansion. The crisis does not scare Restart that moves into the new property structure of about 1000 sqm.
Today Restart is one of the most qualified companies in the industrial automation and robotics sector in Tuscany. The activity is carried out on the national and foreign territory with installations in Romania, Bulgaria, France, Poland, India, United States, Israel, Australia, and China.
Restart today has a staff of 30 employees with an average of 40 years old and higher than 50% university education.
In 2011 MASMEC Spa, one of the most important Italian companies in the industrial automation sector joined the restart Board of Directors buying the 20% of Restart.
On February the 11th of 2014, Rossano and Flavio founded MECSTART Srl high-precision mechanical workshop. Using exclusively automatic CNC machines and highly qualified staff, Mecstart completes the Group that can assist the customer in the design and construction of highly technological systems.